My inky travels along life's rocky road

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Folded Butterflies

These are strange and unnerving times and I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy. Normal routines are no longer relevant and so I have been trying to make new routines for myself. I am fortunate that I have outdoor space to potter around in and enjoy the sunny weather we have been having. I am trying to restrict watching the news to morning and evening otherwise I would spend the whole day watching TV and becoming more and more depressed. It's a difficult time to try and be upbeat but I am trying to be positive. Crafting is a means of de-stressing and passing the time.
I haven't made these butterflies for a long time but I've been enjoying folding these whilst listening to the radio plus it's a great way to use up scraps. I've made a template from mountboard (you can find it online) and used my scoreboard to help make the pleats. Fine gauge beading wire holds the pleats together and makes the antennae. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all these butterflies - maybe some will appear on cards - but I've had a relaxing time making them.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh these butterflies are stunning! I am glad you enjoyed making them, it shows in the results. I only watch the news once or twice a day too. Take care and stay safe! xxxxxx


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