My inky travels along life's rocky road

Thursday 21 May 2020

Lockdown Cards - 4

This die was a freebie from a magazine I bought some time ago and I had never used it. As it's quite intricate I decided it didn't need anything other than a coloured background to show off the detail. I'm having a bit of an ombré moment so I blended squeezed lemonade, spiced marmalade and festive berries DIs. I would have stamped a sentiment directly onto the card but had a bit of an accident and needed to conceal a splodge. Some tiny gems finished off the card.
I was very pleased with the result (apart from the splodge) so made another in blues. The marks you see on it are from my scanner.


1 comment:

  1. These cards are very pretty. A lovely delicate die that doesn't need much. Wish I had seen that die/magazine lol. xxx


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